The working world of the future

The working world of the future

The current crisis is accelerating the changes in our world of work. The office mastermind Klaus Bieber diagnoses the current changes and advises managers how they can actively deal with them.
Work 4.0, home office, leadership, Klaus Bieber

192.00 €
per year (annual billing) 16.0 EUR 192.00 €
192.00 €
Responsible Moritz Ocker
Last Update 22/07/2021
Completion Time 30 minutes
Members 6415
Klaus Bieber Work 4.0
    • Free Preview 10 xp
    • Leadership - What managers should be able to do now
    • Alternative workplaces - Stoneage office
    • Sabbatical - Reboot the system
      10 xp
    • Backstage Klaus Bieber - The somewhat different office
      10 xp