Lernreise "Der Weg zu Net Zero"

unter der Schirmherrschaft von Bosch und des Fraunhofer IPA

New learning journey provides impetus for energy-efficient and sustainable production

Lernreise "Der Weg zu Net Zero"


...you would be a manager of sustainable and energy-efficient production. The week starts with good news. Thanks to shutdown management, your systems have saved 80% of their consumption over the weekend. Over the week, your machines achieve stable and high OEE values, because thanks to energy and simultaneous condition monitoring, maintenance is only carried out when necessary and repairs are only carried out before a breakdown occurs.

You keep the raw materials for your packaging and products in technical cycles. There is no such thing as waste any more. With remanufacturing services for your products in the field, you have integrated a lucrative new business model into your production. And the energy costs? You have been able to reduce them by 40% per production part simply by increasing efficiency. If you can also show that you are climate-neutral in accordance with the GHG standard from Scope 1 to Scope 3, not only is your location sustainably secured, but also that of your customers.

Our new learning journey under the auspices of Bosch and the Fraunhofer IPA makes this scenario a reality. Get the relevant impulses on site from Germany's pioneers of energy-efficient and sustainable production.

Stations of the learning journey


Learning journeys share first-hand experience

The three principles of learning journeys

The three principles of learning journeys

Experience globally recognized management practices live in the companies

Adapting instead of designing

Benefit from impulses for your own improvement work

Sustainable change

  Employees take the change work into their own hands


The key points of the learning journey "The path to Net Zero"

Start of the learning journey

July 02 - 03, 2024 at the Bosch plant in Homburg


On site or online


€ 3.700 für 6 zweitägige Veranstaltungen pro Person

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The partners at a glance


  • Patron and Best Practice Partner: Determination of topics and participants

  • Looking beyond the horizon

Member company

  • Take an active part in management meetings
  • Use the best practices presented for the optimization of their specific areas

Best practice company

  • Host two-day management meetings at a time

  • Demonstrate best practice solutions, methods and tools

macils. management centrum gmbh

  • Acquires, organizes and facilitates the learning journey
  • Has 30 years of experience in production management
  • Uses the benchmarking and best practice network of the macils management agency

Werden Sie Teil der Lernreise

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We will gladly send you further information and an individual offer upon request.

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Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage

Unser Team wird sich so schnell wie möglich bei Ihnen zurückmelden.

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For more information about the learning journey "The path to Net Zero", please contact us:

 Angela Hatzenbühler

Angela Hatzenbühler

Tel.: 0711 / 737 344 26
E-Mail: angela.hatzenbuehler@macils.de